My New Glasses Are Too Strong!
Eye doctors typically pride themselves on being able to improve someone’s vision through glasses or contact lens prescriptions. Whether it’s a first-time glasses wearer, or someone having either a small or large change in their prescription, we like to aim for that goal of 20/20 vision.
Despite our best efforts, however, correcting vision to 20/20 is not always a positive outcome for the patient. Whether someone will be able to tolerate their new prescription is based on something called neuroplasticity, which is what allows our brains to adapt to changes in our vision.
You or someone you know may have had this happen: Your vision is blurry, so you go to the eye doctor. The doctor gives you a new prescription, but when you get your new glasses, things seem “off.”
Common complaints are that the prescription feels too strong (or even too clear!) or that the wearer feels dizzy or faint. This is especially true with older patients who have had large changes in prescription, since neuroplasticity decreases with age. It is also more likely […]